Friday, July 22, 2011

Kozakov Day 3: Qualies.

So guess what?! The weather this morning was pretty shocking. Story of the Koz life! They put off skating for quite a while, but some time in the afternoon they figured it was good a time as any to hurtle down the hill in the fog and wet. By this stage I was completely not amped to skate anymore, and the thought of having everything sopping just didn't float my boat. The course was shortened though, to compensate for the rain, but the skaters still went all out regardless. A lot of the riders decided that taping themselves up in black bags would be a good way to stop them getting wet. Doing this apparently improves your tuck and adds a couple of ks onto your speed... but that's all theory anyways.  

Bad Rain Wheel.

Good Rain Wheel.

The Fog.

Saffa riders water-proofing.


Greener Pastures.

The Mud. 
Czech Countryside.


Beer at the restaurant was slightly cheaper, but the place was so much warmer. 

Evening partying.

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